About me!

Somethings about me ? Well.. I'm a guy very enthusiast in computer science, programming languages and always active to learn the latest techniques about! I'm interested in those technologies since when I was child, when watching my older brother to use something I did not understand completely, but I was fascinated about it.

IT History

Let's talk about something important: below you can see all my IT/programming language skills that I learned around the years:

  • [2018] (ongoing) Analyst and Full stack developer at Cosman srl.
  • [2018] Bachelor degree in Computer Science at University of Trento (IT)
  • [2016] Start writing my own Google Drive file sync program: JDrive
  • [2015] Start learning more in depth Go programming Language, that in my opinion is amazing! I created a set of examples to explain a lot of concept: go-introduction
  • [2015] In course for Mobile and Tablet System I learned how to programming for Android devices and discovered how Gradle build system with project AUTO . In course of Formal Language and Compilers I learned the basics of what means write a parser using Lex, Yacc and a LOT of C code.
  • [2013-2014] starting learning by myself Groovy and, thanks to my Operative System course at University, I learn more in depth what means write C code: OSProject
  • [2012] more skills whit Java Swing that have allowed me to build all my utility library: IOUtil , JXSwingPlus , Simple-logger and Network-Util
  • [2011] starting to get skill whit Java Swing library first steps into SQL
  • [2010] C, Java (more in-depth), JSP (html, css, js and all the stuff)
  • [2009] learning the basically data structures, ASM, C and first experience about Java with Eclipse.
  • [2008 ...] my first experience in programming language: pascal! I mean... it wasn't very exciting, but very useful to understand set of instructions and the flow of programs. After pascal, I bought one of the most important books: K&R The C Programming Language, that it will be very useful in my future.
Other repository that you might be interested of: Gist: Some presentations (in Italian):